

Welcome one and all to the online cyber stronghold of Toledo, Ohio’s best kept metal secret, MOBILE DEATHCAMP!!

Whip that mouse around (or scroll that phone) and check out all the cool tidbits of info, and other thangs we think are cool! Have a look at the tour dates page, find out where you can come out and high-5 us!! Big summer shindigs in line for your new fave metal band (us, ya dummy!) GWAR-B-Q!! Full Terror Assault!! Along with some other shows thrown in there for good measure… the new CD (Summon The Destroyer) is out, and people are saying cool shit about it!! Get’cherself a copy, huh?!?

Until next time remember… an elk don’t know how many legs a horse has.

Cheers!!   -T  =)

Category : FrontPage